We’re all in this together. Whether you are looking for ways to help out in your community, or are in need of assistance, there are people ready to come alongside you.
For more information or if you have need, call:
Reg Douglas - Care Leader - 306.270.2921
Kim Worthington - Pastor - 306.241.0503

Unfortunately, we know that in this life there will be troubles and difficulties. When that happens, sometimes making a meal for someone is what that person or family needs. If you are in need of a meal or want to join the meal prep team, call Reg or Kim.
Sometimes a small gesture goes a long way. Practical helps can be as simple as shovelling a driveway or raking some leaves. If you have need, please let us know how we can help.

Praying for someone is the greatest act of love and care we can give people. We believe that prayer moves the heart of God and hears the prayers of His people. Our church now has a prayer room that is open on Tuesdays 9:00-11:00am and Sunday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm. Let us know how we can be praying for you. Call Kim - 306.241.0503
Please let us know if you'd like a visit! Pastor Kim, or someone from the CLT or care team would love to chat and ray with you.